Operations Research

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Operations Research


The Operations Research group develops its activity with a focus on optimization, modeling, algorithmic development and implementation. Within nonlinear optimization, fractional quadratic problems, semidefinite programming, complementarity problems, derivative-free and multiobjective optimization are some of the areas in which the group members had a relevant impact. The group also works in combinatorial optimization, with impact in facility and hub location problems, project scheduling, timetabling, and facility layout optimization. There is a strong component of applications and collaboration with industry, requiring not only algorithmic development but also modelling skills. Contributions appear in supply chain design, reverse logistics, biology of conservation, health and ageing related problems.

Maria Isabel Azevedo Rodrigues Gomes

Operations Research Coordinator



A trust-region approach for computing Pareto fronts in multiobjective optimization
A Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for the Home Care Routing and Scheduling Problem: Exploring the Algorithm's Configuration Process
2023, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Aguiar,AR;Ramos,T;Gomes,MI
A classification method based on a cloud of spheres
A hybrid direct search and projected simplex gradient method for convex constrained minimization
2023, OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE, Custodio,AL;Krulikovski,EHM;Raydan,M
A Low-Cost Alternating Projection Approach for a Continuous Formulation of Convex and Cardinality Constrained Optimization
2023, Operations Research Forum, Krejic,N;Krulikovski,EHM;Raydan,M
An augmented Lagrangian approach for cardinality constrained minimization applied to variable selection problems
2023, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Krejic,N;Krulikovski,EHM;Raydan,M
Archives Metadata Text Information Extraction into CIDOC-CRM
2023, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Varagnolo,D;Melo,D;Rodrigues,IP;Rodrigues,R;Couto,P
Are the Portuguese Fire Departments Well Located for Fighting Urban Fires?
2023, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Gomes,MI;Joia,AC;Pinela,J;Chibeles Martins,N
Complexity bound of trust-region methods for convex smooth unconstrained multiobjective optimization
Derivative-free separable quadratic modeling and cubic regularization for unconstrained optimization


The Effects of Portuguese Colonialism in Africa: Justice, Electricity and Transport Infrastructures
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Jorge Orestes Cerdeira
Novel therapeutic approaches to target GNE Myopathy
European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD), Regina Bispo and Isabel Gomes
AI-4-MUFF: Artificial intelligence on the management of the degree of readiness in urban firefighting
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Isabel Gomes, Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Filipe Marques,...
Alterações climáticas e seu impacto em florestas de pinheiro ao longo da costa oeste portuguesa: o caso de duas pragas recentemente emergidas
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Jorge Orestes Cerdeira
BoostDFO: Improving the performance and moving to newer dimensions in Derivative-Free Optimization
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Ana Luísa Custódio, Maria do Carmo Brás, Rohollah...
Estudo prévio sobre a implementação da recolha seletiva em Portugal Continental insidindo em especial sobre o fluxo dos bioresíduos
APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Isabel Gomes
Biodiversity Conservation, Global Change and Uncertainties: Reconciling Biodiversity Persistence and Human Development upon Dynamic Environments (RECONCILE)
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Jorge Orestes Cerdeira
MiMaMathematics in the Making
Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union Project (EU), Susana Baptista, Nelson Chibeles Martins,...
Sparse and Smoothing Methods for Nonlinear Optimization of Complex Models
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Ana Luísa Custódio
Species Performance Modeling Algorithm (S-PerforMA)
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Jorge Orestes Cerdeira


    • a solver for constrained or unconstrained derivative-free optimization problems:: SID-PSM
    • a solver for multiobjective derivative-free optimization problems: DMS , BoostDMS
    • a solver suited for global derivative-free constrained optimization: GLODS
    • a solver suited for global derivative-free multiobjective constrained optimization: MultiGLODS
    • an open-source application, licensed under the GPL v3, designed to select connectivity linkages for distinct types of habitats, under a cost-efficient protocol: MulTyLink
    • a package for selecting variable subsets. Contributed packages of The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN): SubselectCHECK DOWNLOADS HERE.