Starting Year: 2018Title: BoostDFO: Improving the performance and moving to newer dimensions in Derivative-Free OptimizationAbstract: The goal of this project is to develop efficient and robust algorithms for Global and/or Multiobjective Derivative-free Optimization. This type of optimization is typically required…
Starting Year: 2018 Title: Estudo prévio sobre a implementação da recolha seletiva em Portugal Continental insidindo em especial sobre o fluxo dos bioresíduos Abstract: Funding Source: APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente Typology: R&D Project Reference: Principal Investigator (PI): Ana…
Starting Year: 2018 Title: Generalized Derivations of Incidence Algebras Abstract: Funding Source: CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil) Typology: R&D Project Reference: 451499/2018-2 Principal Investigator (PI): Mykola Khrypchenko PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA Math members involved:…
Starting Year: 2018 Title: Incidence Algebras Abstract: Funding Source: Fundação Araucária (Brazil) Typology: R&D Project Reference: Convênio: 212/14 Principal Investigator (PI): Rosali Brusamarello PI's institution: Maringá State University, Brazil NOVA Math members involved: Mykola Khrypchenko
Starting Year: 2018 Title: PREFERENTIAL: Improving spatial estimation and survey design through preferential sampling in fishery and biological applications Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: PTDC/MAT-STA/28243/2017 Principal Investigator (PI):…
Starting Year: 2018 Title: SemiComb - Semigroups: Conjugacy, Computation, Crystals and Combinatorics Abstract: The aim of this project is to develop new techniques for studying combinatorial properties and decision problems in semigroups, and to apply the insights thus gained to…
Starting Year: 2018 Title: TRANSFISH - Transgenerational acclimation of temperate fish species to climate change Abstract: The project aims to understand the transgenerational acclimation capabilities of temperate marine fishes to climate change. Parents and offspring of a commercially important species…
Starting Year: 2018 Title: Alterações climáticas e seu impacto em florestas de pinheiro ao longo da costa oeste portuguesa: o caso de duas pragas recentemente emergidas Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology:…