Category: 2021

CBRN – Continuous monitoring of different physiological parameters, as tools for real-time assessment of physical and mental operational capacity in CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) operations

Starting Year: 2021 Title: CBRN - Continuous monitoring of different physiological parameters, as tools for real-time assessment of physical and mental operational capacity in CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) operations Abstract: The development of the physiological models in a…

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ELITE2 – Enhancement LITe Exoskeleton – Design and development of an exoskeleton to support human movement

Starting Year: 2021 Title: ELITE2 – Enhancement LITe Exoskeleton - Design and development of an exoskeleton to support human movement Abstract: ELITE – Enhancement LITe Exoskeleton - Design and development of an exoskeleton to support human movement - Phase 2.…

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MONET: Multi-omic networks in gliomas

Starting Year: 2021Title: MONET: Multi-omic networks in gliomasAbstract: Gliomas, the most common primary brain tumors, arise from the glial cells and typically exhibit bad prognosis. In particular, glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and aggressive (grade IV) form of brain tumors…

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Novel therapeutic approaches to target GNE Myopathy

Starting Year: 2021 Title: Novel therapeutic approaches to target GNE Myopathy Abstract: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Cagliari (UNICA), Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell’ambiente, Cagliari, Italy; Martin-Luther-University (MLU)…

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ROADWINE – RoadMap para o Setor do Vinho na PenĂ­nsula de SetĂşba

Starting Year: 2021 Title: ROADWINE - RoadMap para o Setor do Vinho na PenĂ­nsula de SetĂşba Abstract: Funding Source: Instituto PolitĂ©cnico de SetĂşbal Typology: Institution Project Reference: Principal Investigator (PI): Teresa Costa PI's institution: IPS NOVA Math members involved: Sandra…

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“OMNI – BE Aware STudent”

Starting Year: 2021 Title: “OMNI - BE Aware STudent” Abstract: Developing, testing and implementing solutions that define our students' key competencies, especially through the use of the CANVAS business model, as well as defining and guiding their professional careers. Funding…

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Starting Year: 2021 Title: BE AWARE STUDENT (BEAST) Abstract: Increasing students’ consciousness concerning the choice of speciality in such way, that educational path will be connected with a real passion and interests, but at the same time will be highly…

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