Starting Year: 2021
Title: CBRN – Continuous monitoring of different physiological parameters, as tools for real-time assessment of physical and mental operational capacity in CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) operations
Abstract: The development of the physiological models in a military operational context represents a significant challenge, particularly in extreme conditions. One example is the Chemical and Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Team (CBRN) from the Portuguese Army. Those militaries are exposed to extreme working conditions, due not only to the dangerous nature of the job (uncertain, hostile environments) but also to the characteristic of their specific wearable and equipment for the accomplishment of their missions, which ultimately leads to a dangerous rise in all vital physiological parameters. In that regard, real-time physiological monitoring with long-range remote access (Mobile Access Point) and its study is extremely relevant to ensure risk analysis, assessment, and management. On our project, we pretend to achieve three concomitant goals – optimization of body sensors, development of models, and real time individual stress diagnosis.
Funding Source: Exército Português – CINAMIL
Typology: R&D Project
Reference: CBRN/2021/CINAMIL
Principal Investigator (PI): Rui Lucena
PI’s institution: Academia Militar – Instituto Universitário Militar + Military Readiness Lab
NOVA Math members involved: Paula Simões