Speaker: Marcelo Aguiar (Cornell)Date/time: 09/05/2022 (Monday), at 14:00 (UTC+1)Zoom info:https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83471440199Meeting ID: 834 7144 0199Title: Hopf-Lie theory relative to a hyperplane arrangementAbstract: The talk is based on recent and ongoing work with Swapneel Mahajan in which we introduce and develop a theory of…

Speaker: Persi Diaconis (Stanford University)Date/time: 02/05/2022 (Monday), at 14:00 (UTC+1)Zoom info:https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83471440199Meeting ID: 834 7144 0199Title: An introduction to random walks on semigroups and hyperplane arrangementsAbstract: This talk will be a 'sales pitch' for a rapidly growing part of combinatorial semigroup theory.…
http://novaforukraine.unl.pt/Information on how NOVA is supporting Ukraine and Ukrainian Citizens.
Portugal for UkraineThe Portugal for Ukraine platform aims to combine in one place all the Portuguese State actions underway regarding the conflict in Ukraine.https://www.erasmusmais.pt/he4ukraineHigher Education Institutions | Support for Ukrainian
For helping Ukrainian scientists, see more information here

Gracinda Guerreiro, CMA member, was elected as President of the Jury of Certification of Responsible Actuaries of the Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASF).

The CMA member João Araújo was one of the portuguese elected who stood out in their area internationally. More information available here
Evelin Krulikovski, Postdoctoral fellow at CMA (Operational Research Group), will present, on 15th September 2021, from 2 pm to 3 pm, Room 1.1, Building VII, the talk "Mathematical Programs with Cardinality Constraints: a unified approach for weak stationarity conditions".Abstract

CMA member Cláudio Fernandes wrote the book "Introdução às Algebras de Operadores".Abstract:The names of F. Riesz, J. von Neumann, I. Gelfand and M. Naimark are associated with the area of Operator Algebras. At the end of the 20th century, the…
On 26 May 2021, a Collaboration Protocol was signed between FH – Future Healthcare, Serviços de Saúde e Assistência, S.A. and the NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA SST), NOVA University Lisbon. This protocol, promoted by the Department of…