Starting Year: 2014 Title: Variational problems in variable exponent Sobolev spaces Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: EXPL/MAT-CAL/0840/2013 Principal Investigator (PI): Ana Margarida Ribeiro PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA…
Starting Year: 2020 Title: Projeção do Impacte das medidas Não-farmacológicas de Controlo e mitigação da epidemia de COVID-19 em Tempo ReaL Abstract: The goal of this project is to develop a modeling tool able to explore scenarios of the evolution…
Starting Year: 2019 Title: Contribuciones a los modelos estocasticos en epidemias Abstract: In Portugal, the allocation of technical, human and financial resources to the fire brigades in charge of the urban fire response, despite considering the existing risk in an…
Starting Year: 2023 Title: CoSysM3 - Mathematical Modelling of Multi-scale Control Systems: applications to human diseases Abstract: The CoSysM3 project aims to contribute to the scientific advance in the mathematical modelling of behavioural epidemiology, building new hybrid models and generalising…
Analysis Article Karlovich,AY Doklady Mathematics 1996 54 1 490-492
Analysis Article Karlovich,AY MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN 1996 179 1 187-222 10.1002/mana.19961790112
Analysis Article Karlovich,AY DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK 1996 349 1 45270
Analysis Article Riera,R;Chalub,FACC PHYSICAL REVIEW E 1998 58 3 4001-4004 10.1103/physreve.58.4001
Analysis Article Karlovich,AY INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY 1998 32 4 436-481 10.1007/bf01194990
Analysis Article Karlovich,AY MATHEMATICAL NOTES 1998 64 45019 330-341