Tiago Dias, PhD student of the PhD Program in Mathematics, and the NOVA Math member Paula Amaral, supervisor and member of the Operations Research Group, were awarded with the Marguerite Frank award for Best Euro Journal on Computational Optimization paper…

Short Course: PhytonSpeaker: Jesus Ossian Silva, NOVA MathTopics- O que é Python?- Instalação- Variáveis e operadores- Comandos- Estrutura de dados- Arquivos- Funções Dates/times:9, 11, 16 e 18 January 2024 - at 14pm to 16pmTotal: 8hours To facilitate logistics, if you want to…

Lourdes Afonso, NOVA Math member, was elected board member of the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE).The AAE was founded in 1978 with the aim of representing the actuarial associations in Europe. Its main purpose is to advise the different organizations…

On 20th March 2023, Dr. Marta Lopes will initiate functions as Auxiliary Researcher in a joint position between NOVA Math and UNIDEMI, strengthening the collaboration between these two R&D units. Dr. Lopes research activities have been focused on the development…

Paulo Guilherme Santos – NOVA Math researcher and PhD student in Mathematics at NOVA SST was selected as member of the European Mathematical Society Young Academy (EMYA) (https://euromathsoc.org/EMYA). The EMYA, created by the European Mathematical Society (EMS), aims to strengthen…

The premier of the 13th season of the TV show "Isto é Matemática", that counts with the support NOVA Math, was held in the weekend of 25-26 February. You can follow the program on the SIC channels and YouTube. This season…

Speaker: Helena Ramalhinho (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)Date/time: 05/12/2022 (Monday), at 16:30Location: room 1.19 building VIITitle: Optimization with Social ImpactAbstract:Analytics focuses on transforming data into insights by applying advanced analytical methods, based on mathematics, statistics, operations research and artificial intelligent models and…

Speaker: Persi Diaconis (Stanford University)Date/time: 07/11/2022 (Monday), at 14:00Location: Seminar room, building VIITitle: The mathematics of solitaire (and an introduction to patience sorting)Abstract:Millions of people play solitaire (patience) every day. One of the (many) embarrassments of the applied probability community…

The University of Standford updated the list of the most cited scientists worldwide, at the top 2% of their respective areas. Once more, this list includes the NOVA Math researcher Marcos Raydan.The list is the result of a study coordinated…

Speaker: Benjamin Steinberg (City University of New York)Date/time: 06/06/2022 (Monday), at 14:00 (UTC+1)Zoom info:https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83471440199Meeting ID: 834 7144 0199Title: Factoring the Dedekind-Frobenius determinantAbstract:In 1875, Smith computed the determinant of the n x n matrix whose (i,j)-entry is gcd(i,j). This matrix is…