Paulo José da Silva e Silva (University of Campinas, Brazil) Title: Using Julia for solving optimization problems Dates/times:13/02/2023 (Monday), at 14:00--16:00 15/02/2023 (Wednesday), at 14:00--16:00 Location: Seminar room, building VII
Professor Warren Hare University of British Columbia, Canada31st October 2022 (room 1.19, Building VII, FCT NOVA) and 4th November 2022 (room 1.10, Building VII, FCT NOVA), from 16h to 17h30. There is no registration fee, but registration ( is mandatory to allow…
Pedro A. García-Sánchez (Universidad de Granada) Title: Mini course on Numerical semigroups - Lecture 1. Numerical semigroups and notable elementsJuly 12th, Tuesday, 10:30am to 12pm- Lecture 2. Minimal presentations and factorizationsJuly 12th, Tuesday, 14:30pm to 16pm- Lecture 3. Gluings of numerical semigroupsJuly 13th, Wednesday,…
Eralda Gjika Dhamo (Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tirana) Tuesday – June 21, 10h00-13h00Introduction to Data Science with R• Defining Data Science and its importance• Introduction to R, environment and basic commands• Data visualization. R package…
Meng Yang (CMA, FCT-NOVA) Title: Gradient Estimate for the Heat Kernel on Some Fractal-Like Cable Systems Dates/times:07/02/2022 (Monday), at 14:00--16:0010/02/2022 (Thursday), at 14:00--16:0014/02/2022 (Monday), at 14:00--16:0017/02/2022 (Thursday), at 14:00--16:00 Location: Seminar room, building VII Abstract:In this course, we will give an introduction to some recent…
Mahir Can, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA Title: Mini-course on Reductive MonoidsDates/times:14--17/12/2021 (Tuesday to Friday), 15h-16h30 Location: Seminar Room, building VIIZoom: Lecture 1. Title: Reductive Monoids and Spherical VarietiesAbstract: In this lecture, first, we will have an in-depth look at thetheory of spherical varieties;…
Natasa Krejic University of Novi Sad October 4, 202110 am to 12 am and 2.30 pm to 4.30 pmRoom 1.9, Building VII Abstract-Mini-Course
Natasa Krejic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia) Title: Methods for finite sum minimization Dates/times:04/10/2021 (Monday), at 10:00--12:00 and 14:30--16:30 Location: Room 1.9, building VII Abstract
Inmaculada Barranco-Chamorro (Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Institute of Mathematics, University of Sevilha, Sevilha, Spain) Title: Advances in parametric models of interest in reliability Location: Room 2.1., building VII General Abstract: This course deals with recent advances in parametric models of interest in…