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Operations ResearchActive Member

Associate professor, with a degree in Statistics and Operational Research (UL) and PhD in Mathematics (UNL). Her research focuses on Optimization, Machine Learning, Routing and Timetabling problems, leading to contributions in international publications. She has supervised internships in CTT, GALP, as well as master's students from national (one APDIO Best MSc Thesis Award in 2009) and international schools (Sapienza, UNICV). She has taught an optimization course in a summer school in CNAM Paris and conducted an introductory Big Data course at IFB. She was a member of the Board of PT-MATHS-IN, the Scientific Committee of Nova Math CMA, EUROPT and the Faculty Council. She organized and act as a PC member of several international conferences and summer schools.

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Paula Alexandra
da Costa Amaral
Associate Professor
Operations Research
Active Member