Thematic Lines

NOVA Math > Thematic Lines

Mathematical knowledge is essential in many other scientific domains. NOVA Math promotes the collaboration with other scientific areas. It is important to engage with the users of Mathematics, providing them the mathematical tools required for their research. These synergies allow  to direct mathematical researchers that seek real-life problems and often motivate new lines of research, resulting from challenging problems.

A number of NOVA Math researchers, from different groups, have directed their expertise on distinct mathematical subjects to address issues in biological, data science, and health scientific areas. NOVA Math congregates the work on these topics as a strategic endeavor and a fundamental step to:

  1. Align with NOVA University of Lisbon scientific strategy, e.g. participating at consortia as NOVA Health;
  2. Promote collaborations with other departments of the school (e.g. departments of Computer Science, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Engineer);
  3. Disseminate knowledge and help training students, by collaborating on Master and Ph.D. programs;
  4. Develop innovative solutions, with mathematical tools, to address problems in these areas.