Data Science Mini-course and Seminar

Miguel FAnjos (University of Edinburgh)


Title: Optimizing the Present and Future of Smart Electric Power Grids

Date | Time: November 27, 2024 | 14h00

Place: NOVA FCT, Room 1.5 (Building VII)

Abstract: A smart grid is the combination of a traditional electrical power system with information and energy both flowing back and forth between suppliers and consumers. This new paradigm introduces major challenges such as the integration of decentralized energy generation, the increase of electric transportation, and the need for electricity consumers to play an active role in the operations of the grid. This presentation will overview the changes completed or in progress in several countries, present some recent research on mathematical optimization models to better understand and support the adoption of electric vehicles, and conclude with a summary of the opportunities for optimization to contribute to the future success of smart grids.

Short Bio: Miguel F. Anjos holds the Chair of Operational Research at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, U.K. He previously held faculty positions at Polytechnique Montreal, the University of Waterloo, and the University of Southampton. He is the Founding Academic Director of the Trottier Institute for Energy at Polytechnique Montreal. His accolades include an Inria International Chair, a Canada Research Chair, the NSERC-Hydro-Quebec-Schneider Electric Industrial Research Chair, a Humboldt Research Fellowship, INFORMS and IEEE Senior Memberships, and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. He is a Fellow of EUROPT and of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. The research interests of Professor Anjos are in mathematical optimization and its industrial applications. He has published four books and more than 100 scientific journal articles, and has led research collaborations with companies such as EDF, ExPretio, Hydro-Quebec, National Grid ESO, Rio Tinto, and Schneider Electric. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Optimization and Engineering, is currently Area Editor for the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications and for RAIRO-OR, and is a member of several other editorial boards. Professor Anjos currently serves as Chair of the Mathematical Optimization Society, and INFORMS Vice-President for International Activities. He previously served as President of the INFORMS Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment , on the Council of the Mathematical Optimization Society, as Program Director for the SIAM Activity Group on Optimization, and as Vice-Chair of the INFORMS Optimization Society.



Title: Optimization Models for Unit Commitment in Electric Energy Systems

Date|Time: November 27-28, 2024

Place: NOVA FCT, Lab 2.2, building VII

Description: The unit commitment (UC) problem addresses a fundamental decision that is taken when operating a power system, namely to set the schedule of power production for each generating unit in the system so that the demand for electricity is met at minimum cost. The schedule must also ensure that each unit operates within its technical limits; these typically include ramping constraints and minimum uptime/downtime constraints. Units that are scheduled to produce electricity during a given time period are said to be committed for that period. Various jurisdictions solve UC on a daily basis. In particular, it is the standard tool to clear spot markets, and particularly the day-ahead markets in the USA. In North American jurisdictions without markets, the system operators use UC to determine the day-ahead commitments and dispatches. This mini-course will cover some of the most relevant mathematical optimization models for UC and lead up to open research problems. 

Part I – Basics of Unit Commitment and Modern Electric Energy Systems – November 27, 15:00–18:00

Part II – Unit Commitment Under Uncertainty & Additional Topics – November 28, 14:00-17:00

Registration can be completed here.

Other info: 

The lectures will be based on the tutorial: 

M.F. Anjos and A.J. Conejo. Unit Commitment in Electric Energy Systems, Now Foundations and Trends, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-68083-370-6).

Participants should have a laptop computer with access to the internet. No specific software is required. Knowledge of AMPL or a similar optimization modelling language will help but is not essential as the mini-course will be self-contained in this regard.