Analysis Article Ferras,LL;Ford,NJ;Morgado,ML;Rebelo,M;McKinley,GH;Nobrega,JM COMPUTERS & FLUIDS 2018 174 14-33 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.07.004
Starting Year: 2009 Title: Analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: UTAustin/MAT/0035/ 2008 Principal Investigator (PI): José Miguel Urbano PI's institution: NOVA Math members…
Starting Year: 2011 Title: Optimization methods in continuum mechanics Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: PTDC/MAT/109973/2009 Principal Investigator (PI): M. Luísa Mascarenhas PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA Math members…
Starting Year: 2011 Title: Thin structures, homogenization and multiphase problems Abstract: Funding Source: FCT and Carnegie Mellon University (Portugal & USA) Typology: R&D Project Reference: UTA_CMU/MAT/0005/2009 Principal Investigator (PI): M. Luísa Mascarenhas PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA Math members involved:…
Starting Year: 2013 Title: MiMaMathematics in the Making Abstract: The Mathematics in the Making (MiMa) project focused on leading primary school students into collaborating in thinking, creating, and evaluating mathematics. Additionally, it aimed to promote a stronger interest and greater…
Starting Year: 2011 Title: Degenerate elliptic and parabolic equations and its applications to front propagation propagation Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: UTA_CMU/MAT/ 0007/2009 Principal Investigator (PI): Diogo Gomes…
Starting Year: 2011 Title: Nonlinear dynamics of ordinary differential equations and applications Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: PTDC/MAT/113383/ 2009 Principal Investigator (PI): Alessandro Margheri PI's institution: FCUL NOVA…
Starting Year: 2016 Title: Dispersive Evolution Equations Abstract: Funding Source: FCT and CAPES (Portugal & Brazil) Typology: R&D Project Reference: Principal Investigator (PI): Filipe Oliveira PI's institution: NOVA Math members involved: Filipe Oliveira
Starting Year: 2016 Title: Prémio “Estímulo à Investigação 2016” Abstract: Funding Source: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Typology: R&D Project Reference: Principal Investigator (PI): Fernanda Cipriano PI's institution: NOVA Math members involved: Fernanda Cipriano
Starting Year: 2014 Title: Game theory and epidemiology Abstract: Funding Source: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Typology: R&D Project Reference: EXPL/MAT-CAL/0794/2013 Principal Investigator (PI): Paula Rodrigues PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA Math members involved: Paula…