The Center for Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math) is pleased to extend an invitation to the NOVA Math Thematic Weeks 2024, themed ‘Exploring Pharmaceutical Frontiers in Drug Discovery, Within-Host Dynamics, and Clinical Trials’. This event, jointly organized by NOVA Math’s Thematic Lines – Biomathematics, Mathematics for Health, and Data Science, aims to explore cutting-edge topics at the intersection of mathematics, health, and pharmaceutical sciences.
The event is designed for students, researchers, and professionals eager to expand their understanding of mathematical models and computational tools pertinent to drug discovery, within-host dynamics, and clinical trials. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in seminars covering fundamental theories, practical hands-on sessions utilizing the R language (and/or other), and informal discussions on the latest advancements in the field.
The thematic weeks will feature subtopics focusing on:
Drug Discovery (Data Science)
Within-Host Dynamics (Biomathematics)
Clinical Trials (Mathematics for Health)
To find more information about the workshops and seminars planned, including the detailed agenda, please visit the website available here.
Registration can be completed through the website or directly here.