Persi Diaconis is an American mathematician of Greek descent and former professional magician. He is the Mary V. Sunseri Professor of Statistics and Mathematics at Stanford University. Persi Diaconis will give a lecturer online on this Wednesday, October, 28, at…
About the speaker: Persi Diaconis is an American mathematician of Greek descent and former professional magician. He is the Mary V. Sunseri Professor of Statistics and Mathematics at Stanford University. He is particularly known for tackling mathematical problems involving randomness and randomization, such as coin flipping and shuffling playing cards. Additional information Access (Zoom) Abstract: ‘Everybody knows’ that a vigorously flipped…
Persi Diaconis is the guest speaker in the first session of the NOVA Online Distinguished Lecture Series on Mathematics and he will present the lecture “A Mathematician Flips a Coin” on October 28, at 2:00 pm, on this link. Persi…
One postdoctoral fellowship is opened within the scope of the research unit “Center for Mathematics and Applications” (CMA) UI/297/2020, financed by “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”. (ref. UIDP/00297/2020 and UIDB/00297/2020). This international call for hiring a postdoctoral fellowship is in the…
João Araújo, CMA member, was elected, on July 14th 2020, President of the Portuguese Mathematical Society for the 2020/2022 biennium. The new president intends to “give mathematics more visibility by demonstrating how it can contribute to improving people’s lives.” In…
The scholarships will be financed by the “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for Financing the Multiannual Plan for Research scholarships for PhD Students, signed between FCT and the R&D Unit “Centro de Matemática e Aplicações”…
An international call is now open (12th June to 10th July) to hire a PhD Researcher to conduct research activities in the field of Spatial Statistics, in the scope of the Project PTDC/MAT-STA/28243/2017, “PREFERENTIAL: Improving spatial estimation and survey design through preferential sampling in fishery…
Isabel Natário, CMA member, was invited to do an interview in Antena 1 radio, in the program “90 Segundos de Ciência”, to talk about “A matemática ajuda a melhorar a estimação espacial da abundância de pescado na costa portuguesa, usando geoestatística” (26…
One postdoctoral fellowship is opened within the scope of the research unit “Center for Mathematics and Applications” (CMA) financed by “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.” (ref. UIDP/00297/2020 and UIDB/00297/2020). This international call for hiring a postdoctoral fellowship…
We are happy to announce one postdoctoral position in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications in the Analysis Group ( of the Centre for Mathematics and Applications) of the NOVA University Lisbon. The fellowship is for an initial period of 12 months,…