Starting Year: 2017 Title: Robust statistical methods in plant genomic selection and prediction studies Abstract: Funding Source: CRUP - Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas Typology: R&D Project Reference: PT/A13/17-DE/57339863 Principal Investigator (PI): Vanda Lourenço PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA…
Starting Year: 2017 Title: Statistical Distribution Theory - Impact and Reach Abstract: Funding Source: CPRR - Competitive programme for rated researchers (South Africa) Typology: R&D Project Reference: 105840 Principal Investigator (PI): AndriĂ«tte Bekker PI's institution: NOVA Math members involved: Filipe…
Starting Year: 2017 Title: Partial Actions, Restriction Semigroups and Monoidal Categories Abstract: Funding Source: No funding Typology: Department Project Reference: Principal Investigator (PI): Mykola Khrypchenko PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA Math members involved: Mykola Khrypchenko
Starting Year: 2017 Title: Paul Bernaysâ Philosophy of Mathematics Abstract: Funding Source: Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland) Typology: R&D Project Reference: 175054 Principal Investigator (PI): Reinhard Kahle PI's institution: FCT NOVA NOVA Math members involved: Reinhard Kahle